Friday, May 27, 2011

Our chickies

Well it is time to say goodbye to our chickies today.....
They have been an AMAZING learning experience for us in our classroom. Through these cute lil animals we have learned about responsibility, a chick's life cycle & development, birth, caring, "nice touches", sharing, sympathy, and unfortunately, even death (8 of our eggs did not even hatch and so we had a "funeral" yesterday to say goodbye to them all)

I hope your children have enjoyed this experience as much as I have!

if you look really closely, you can see his "egg tooth" on the end of his beak

Sebastian and Isaac spending time with the chicks who were under the heat lamp in the box (at this point, we had 9 in the box)

I know that they were just born, but how they could sleep with 22 kindergarteners and my big teaching mouth in the same room is a miracle all in itself! haha

Joel and Alexis at the incubator (we still had about 7 chicks inside of it since you were only able to open the incubator once a day to let out the ones that had hatched)

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