Thursday, March 28, 2013

Yay for Disney

A few weeks ago, Miss Bergan asked students, as their writing prompt during journal time, to write a letter to their favorite Disney character. (Previously Miss Bergan had found on Pinterest, and researched, that if you write a letter to the Disney characters that they will write you a letter back!)
Students went crazy and worked so hard on having nice handwriting, periods at the end of their sentences, spaces between their words, and many more editing techniques to have a wonderful letter to send to their Disney friend. Miss Bergan didn't tell them that there was the potential for a return letter
Today, when we came into work there was a large manilla envelope waiting for us in our mailbox down in the faculty lounge

"Holy COW! Is that what I think it is?!?!"
(we did this little dance of joy around the lunch table while
our principal watched from a distance and chuckled to himself LOL)

Maria RIPPED open the envelope and was greeted with this:

which had inside.....
our letter :-)

Hi PA Pals!
Oh boy, thanks for all the swell letters. It was so nice of you to think of me and my pals. Minne & I were busy talking about how lucky we are to have such special friends like you! Gosh, I hope you are having a great time at school...I bet you are learning some really exciting things. The gang & I are looking forward to seeing you here real soon!
Your Pal,
Mickey Mouse

(honestly, I think Miss Bergan & I may be more excited than the kids! hahaha)

but wait there's more...........
We opened up another envelope and found 24 (one for each, with 2 extra) personal postcards

I definitely think this is something I am going to start doing every year

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