Thursday, March 28, 2013

Class Dojo

Our classroom has begun using a classroom behavior management program /software that will help us keep track of behaviors (positive & negative)
I have included an introductionary video (the little monster avatars are so darn cute!) to help explain how students earn points (for positive behavior) or get points taken away (for negative behavior)
****pay NO attention to the end of the video, kindergarteners are too young to
have their own access codes to this system****

Our positive behavior(ways to EARN points):
hard work
helping others
on task
clean up
follows rules
nice friend

Our negative behavior (points will be TAKEN AWAY):
calling out
not listening
off task
pulls ticket
not sharing
tattle tale
doesn't keep hands to self
not a nice friend
not following rules

An informational paper will come home in your child's folder stating how you can sign up to receive a weekly report of your child's behavior in school. (Please return bottom portion of paper to inform us if you are signing up for weekly reports to be emailed to you)

Just visit Class Dojo, enter in your parent code, then enter your name, email, & create a password.

Let us know if you have any questions about this new process. I hope it will be beneficial to everyone :-)

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