Friday, December 6, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 12.9.13 & 12.16.13

Monday Dec 9th  Day Four
Library (return books for exchange)

Weekly homework sent home

Tuesday Dec 10th  Day Five

Christmas Concert @ 7:00
Hamilton Heights Cafeteria

Wednesday Dec 11th  Day One  


Thursday Dec 12th   Day Two
Gym (please wear appropriate footwear)

Friday Dec 13th  Day Three


As you all know, we are in the process of packing and moving to our new room. If your child comes home in the coming weeks with “presents”, it is from me and our kindergarten cleanout to get ready to move to the new building


Monday Dec 16th   Day Four
Library (return books for exchange)

Weekly homework sent home
-please pay attention to different assignment!

Tuesday Dec 17th Day Five

WRAPPED sock exchange presents due!

Wednesday Dec 18th Day One  


KDG Dental Lesson

Thursday Dec 19th   Day Two
Gym (please wear appropriate footwear)

Kdg Christmas Party 2:15-3:15

Friday Dec 20th Day Three
 Christmas Movie Assembly

Homework due

1 hour early dismissal @ 2:25


Have a wonderful and safe Christmas break

Friday, November 22, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 11.25

Mrs. Eckenrode’s
Weekly Newsletter

Monday Nov 25th  Day Three


No weekly homework

Tuesday Nov 26th  Day Four

Library (return books for exchange)

Wednesday Nov 27th Day Five  


2 hour early dismissal @ 1:35

Thursday Nov 28th   Day One

Happy Thanksgiving

Friday Nov 29th  Day Two

Thanksgiving Break


School will resume on Wednesday, Dec 4th at the end of the Thanksgiving Break

Reminder: it is starting to get colder and our students are still going outside for two recesses a day.
Please make sure that they are wearing warm enough coats J

Friday, November 15, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 11.18

Monday Nov 18th  Day Three


Sending home weekly homework
(select a minimal of 5 out of 10 tasks to complete by Friday then return)

Box top collection day

PTO meeting @ 6:00 (New Franklin cafeteria)

Tuesday Nov 19th Day Four

Library (return books for exchange)

Wednesday Nov 20th Day Five  


Thursday Nov 21st  Day One


Good News Club

Friday Nov 22nd Day Two


Weekly Homework Due (select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete)


Next week, there will be a 2 hour early dismissal on Wednesday, Nov 27th
to begin our Thanksgiving holiday break. School will resume on Wednesday, Dec 4th

Reminder: it is starting to get colder and our students are still going outside for two recesses a day.
Please make sure that they are wearing warm enough coats J

Friday, November 8, 2013

Newletter 11.11.13

Monday Nov 11th  

NO SCHOOL Happy Veteran’s Day

Tuesday Nov 12th  Day Five Four

2 hour early dismissal parent teacher conferences

Sending home weekly homework
(select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete by Friday then return)

Library (return books for exchange)

Wednesday Nov 13th  Day Five  


Thursday Nov 14th  Day One

2 hour early dismissal parent teacher conferences


Good News Club

Friday Nov 15th  Day Two


Weekly Homework Due (select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete)

Friday, October 25, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 10.27

Monday Oct 28th    Day Four

Sending home weekly homework
(select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete by Friday then return)

Sending home parent teacher conference forms (due back THIS FRIDAY)

Library (return books for exchange)

Tuesday Oct 29th    Day Five

End of 1st marking period

Wednesday Oct 30th     Day One  



Thursday Oct 31st     Day Two


Good News Club

Friday Nov 1st    Day Three

Parent teacher conferences due back

Weekly Homework Due (select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete)

Wear red (to raise awareness for Homeless Education Awareness Week)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 10.21

Monday Oct 21st   Day Four

Sending home weekly homework
(select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete by Friday then return)

Library (return books for exchange)

Book Fair (for students during library time)

Tuesday Oct 22nd   Day Five

 Mrs. Eckenrode out for the morning  

Red Ribbon Drug Assembly

Family Night @ Book Fair 6:00-7:30

Wednesday Oct 23rd    Day One   

Health Screenings

Thursday Oct 24th    Day Two


Good News Club

Friday Oct 25th   Day Three

2 hr early dismissal
(this is in accordance with the half sheet page that came home describing
2 hr early dismissals throughout the school year to end the marking periods.)
In the future you will see an early dismissal on
  • Wednesday, January 15th
  • Tuesday, March 25th

Weekly Homework Due (select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 10.14

Monday Oct 14th  

NO SCHOOL (Columbus Day)

Tuesday Oct 15th  Day Five

Sending home weekly homework
(select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete by Friday then return)

Mrs. Eckenrode out for the day  

Wednesday Oct 16th   Day One  



Thursday Oct 17th   Day Two


Good News Club

Friday Oct 18th  Day Three


Weekly Homework Due (select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete)


Our classroom is looking for donations of individually wrapped bags of candy
to use for our homework prizes. No chocolate please, it will melt.
Some good candy choices are jolly ranchers, smarties, starbursts, dum-dum lollipops, lifesavers.
Please don’t donate the snack size bag of candies that are very popular this time for Halloween time.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Weekly newsletter 10.7

Monday Oct 7th  Day Five

Sending home weekly homework
(select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete by Friday then return)

Box tops Collection Morning

Fire Prevention Assembly

Tuesday Oct 8th  Day One


MAPS Assessment (on computers)

Wednesday Oct 9th   Day Two  



Thursday Oct 10th   Day Three


Good News Club

Friday Oct 11th  Day Four

Library (please return book for exchange)

Weekly Homework Due (select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete)

Scholastic book orders due (make checks payable to Scholastic)


Next Monday, October 14th, is an in-service day for teachers and NO SCHOOL for students

Our classroom is looking for donations of individually wrapped bags of candy to use for our homework prizes. No chocolate please, it will melt. Some good candy choices are jolly ranchers, smarties, starbursts, dum-dum lollipops, lifesavers. Please don’t donate the snack size bag of candies that are very popular this time for Halloween time.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 9.30.13

Monday Sept 30th   Day Five

Sending home weekly homework
(select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete by Friday then return)

Sending home new Book-It reading program (runs until March 31st)

Tuesday Oct 1st   Day One


Sending home Scholastic Book flyers (due back next Friday, October 11th)

Wednesday Oct 2nd    Day Two  



Thursday Oct 3rd   Day Three

Mrs. Eckenrode out for the day


Friday Oct 4th   Day Four

Begin MAPS Assessment Testing

Library (please return book for exchange)

Weekly Homework Due (select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete)


I strongly encourage you to sign your child up for Good News Club J
They will go every Thursday morning (from October to April) for one hour to a local church.
Children love going & come back to the room telling all their classmates about it who didn’t go.
During this time, they will miss NO NEW INFORMATION at school! In the classroom, I use the time to play math games that have already been taught and played so no one misses out on anything. As teachers, none of us are allowed to teach new material while the students are gone.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pinterest Anyone?

Anyone out there as addicted to Pinterest as I am?!?! Seriously, it is electronic hoarding! LOL I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT :-)
As I was looking through my kindergarten boards (I have 33 of them JUST related to kindergarten/school) I realized that I am keeping a "gold mine" to myself of ideas that sometimes parents are able to do at home! I want to invite you over to my Pinterest board, become a follower if you really like what you see, and check out the possibilities of doing AWESOME stuff with your kids at home :-)
**you do not have to have a Pinterest account to assess these ideas**

Two ways to get there Mrs. Eckenrode's Pinterest

or by Individual Boards
100th day of school

Beginning of the Year


Dr. Seuss




Kid Writing




Social Studies


Hope you enjoy! And if you are a fellow Pinterest-er, feel free to send me some of your pinning ideas :-)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Class pet

Today our classroom had a pet for the afternoon: a fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar that we found outside at recess

Weekly Newsletter 9.23.13

Monday Sept 23rd  Day Five

Sending home weekly homework
(select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete by Friday then return)

Tuesday Sept 24th  Day One

Act 80 Day (school begins at 11:00) – no breakfast is served to students


Wednesday Sept 25th   Day Two  



Thursday Sept 26th   Day Three


Friday Sept 27th  Day Four

Picture Day

Library (please return book for exchange)

Weekly Homework Due (select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete)


I strongly encourage you to sign your child up for Good News Club J
They will go every Thursday morning (from October to April) for one hour to a local church.
Children love going & come back to the room telling all their classmates about it who didn’t go.
During this time, they will miss NO NEW INFORMATION at school! In the classroom, I use the time to play math games that have already been taught and played so no one misses out on anything. As teachers, none of us are allowed to teach new material while the students are gone.

If you have signed up for parent volunteers (beginning in October)
 please send in copies of your clearances so I can begin scheduling J
It is not too late to volunteer if you haven’t signed up yet.
Contact me for more details

Friday, September 13, 2013

Weekly Newletter

Monday Sept 16th Day Five

Sending home weekly homework
(select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete by Friday then return)

PTO Mtg (New Franklin Elementary Cafeteria @ 6:00)

Tuesday Sept 17th Day One


Wednesday Sept 18th  Day Two  



Thursday Sept 19th  Day Three


Friday Sept 20th  Day Four

Library (please return book for exchange)

Weekly Homework Due (select 5 out of 10 tasks to complete)


If you have signed up for parent volunteers (beginning in October)
 please send in copies of your clearances so I can begin scheduling J
It is not too late to volunteer if you haven’t signed up yet.
Contact me for more details

Next Tuesday, September 24th is an ACT 80 Day.
School will run on a 2-hour delay and begin at 11:00

Friday, August 30, 2013

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (alphabet work)

All week long we have been reading a book by Bill Martin Jr titled Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. 
IT HAS BEEN A HUGE HIT!!! I think half the class is obsessed with reading it, they ask for it every morning :-) I have put three copies on our little bookcase so when it is read to self, more students can get their hands on a copy

I found a video on YouTube for you and your child to watch together. We have also watched this video in class on the TV

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a WONDERFUL book for all of us to practice our letters. Here are some more ways to practice our letter identification...

use pretzels to build letters (then have the fun of eating them)

Q-tip Painting to practice writing letters
paint with a Q-tip

pour salt into a shallow pan and form the letters with our fingers, then shake the tray to start over again

while driving in the car, look out the window and play "I Spy" for letters

Alphabet Spoons-put upper case letter on white, lower case letter on clear then kids match!

Next week, my aide is going to be doing a letter identification assessment on your child. Depending on their score, you will be receiving a pack of ABC flashcards for continued practice at home :-)

Newsletter 9.3.13

Monday Sept 2nd

Happy Labor Day

Tuesday Sept 3rd Day One


All About Me brown bags due

Sending home Scholastic book flyers (due back next Friday, Sept 13th)

Wednesday Sept 4th Day Two    

Happy Birthday Makenzie!

Thursday Sept 5th Day Three


Friday Sept 6th Day Four

Library (no books checked out)


Thanks so much for promptly returning all the forms that have been placed in folders
this week. The beginning of any school year always has lots of
“parent homework” for everyone to fill out and return

If you picked a post-it note off of our wishing well poster at open house
& have not turned in the items, please do so ASAP

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Yay for Disney

A few weeks ago, Miss Bergan asked students, as their writing prompt during journal time, to write a letter to their favorite Disney character. (Previously Miss Bergan had found on Pinterest, and researched, that if you write a letter to the Disney characters that they will write you a letter back!)
Students went crazy and worked so hard on having nice handwriting, periods at the end of their sentences, spaces between their words, and many more editing techniques to have a wonderful letter to send to their Disney friend. Miss Bergan didn't tell them that there was the potential for a return letter
Today, when we came into work there was a large manilla envelope waiting for us in our mailbox down in the faculty lounge

"Holy COW! Is that what I think it is?!?!"
(we did this little dance of joy around the lunch table while
our principal watched from a distance and chuckled to himself LOL)

Maria RIPPED open the envelope and was greeted with this:

which had inside.....
our letter :-)

Hi PA Pals!
Oh boy, thanks for all the swell letters. It was so nice of you to think of me and my pals. Minne & I were busy talking about how lucky we are to have such special friends like you! Gosh, I hope you are having a great time at school...I bet you are learning some really exciting things. The gang & I are looking forward to seeing you here real soon!
Your Pal,
Mickey Mouse

(honestly, I think Miss Bergan & I may be more excited than the kids! hahaha)

but wait there's more...........
We opened up another envelope and found 24 (one for each, with 2 extra) personal postcards

I definitely think this is something I am going to start doing every year