Friday, December 6, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 12.9.13 & 12.16.13

Monday Dec 9th  Day Four
Library (return books for exchange)

Weekly homework sent home

Tuesday Dec 10th  Day Five

Christmas Concert @ 7:00
Hamilton Heights Cafeteria

Wednesday Dec 11th  Day One  


Thursday Dec 12th   Day Two
Gym (please wear appropriate footwear)

Friday Dec 13th  Day Three


As you all know, we are in the process of packing and moving to our new room. If your child comes home in the coming weeks with “presents”, it is from me and our kindergarten cleanout to get ready to move to the new building


Monday Dec 16th   Day Four
Library (return books for exchange)

Weekly homework sent home
-please pay attention to different assignment!

Tuesday Dec 17th Day Five

WRAPPED sock exchange presents due!

Wednesday Dec 18th Day One  


KDG Dental Lesson

Thursday Dec 19th   Day Two
Gym (please wear appropriate footwear)

Kdg Christmas Party 2:15-3:15

Friday Dec 20th Day Three
 Christmas Movie Assembly

Homework due

1 hour early dismissal @ 2:25


Have a wonderful and safe Christmas break

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