Sunday, October 30, 2011

Recess games

At the end of second recess, Mrs. Bowman (the second 1st grade teacher) and I have taken to playing rock, paper, scissors to see which class gets to head in back to our classrooms.
The kids have really started expecting this game to be played on our parts and most days we have seen them line up quicker, quieter, and straighter knowing that if they don't we will head back into the school in a normal way without rock, paper, scissors
A few days ago, my kids were in the hallway getting drinks and bathroom break after recess and some of them were complaining that we hadn't won rock, paper, scissors and able to go into the school first. They were advising me on what to pick in the game to win.
"You should pick scissors. It cuts the paper." one said
"You should pick rock. It crushes the scissors" said another

One little boy stated that I should pick paper because it beats rocks by covering it up (which as a child always confused me personally - a piece of paper beating a mighty rock?!?!") Anyhoo, my response to him was "True, paper does beat rock. But what if Mrs. Bowman picks scissors and cuts my paper in half?"
His response? (with an utter look of shock & horror) "OH NO!"

Now being a big fan of the television show That 70s show, the game rock, paper, scissors always reminds me of Steven trying to teach Fezz how to play this particular game. Have you seen it?

It is truly hilarious!

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