Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fire Safety

October is National Fire Prevention Month and this week is Fire Safety Week and so yesterday the New Franklin Company 17 (I hope I got this title correct Sergeant Owens) came out to teach our children and remind them how to prevent fires and keep safe if we were ever to encounter a fire.
Things to remember:
  • stop, drop, and roll if your clothing ever catches on fire
  • check your smoke detectors and change the batteries once a year (even if you think the batteries are still good)
  •  only call 911 during a true emergency (common myth: calling the fire department when your cat goes up the tree. "Don't worry, the cat will come down when it gets hungry")
  • have a meeting place for your family if you were to ever have a house fire
(feel free to comment with other great fire safety tips)

Then the rain let up long enough for us to go out and explore the fire truck, engine, and equipment. The kids LOVED it :-)

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