Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

As a math/fall activity our kids made pumpkins. First we used an oval pattern and cut out a large round oval for our pumpkin. Then we took a skinny rectangle and cut it into pieces to make the mouth. The eyes and the nose were the most fun because Mrs. Goetz in 1st let us borrow her glue bottles (we DONT use liquid glue in kindergarten - only glue sticks haha) which were really cool because they looked like bingo dabbers but they squeezed out glue at the top. They worked perfect to put on our heart/triangle/cirlce/square eyes & nose plus for that extra special touch: googlie eyes!!!!!

Here's our finished product...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Character Day

oh, this post is SO long overdue - but without further wait :-)

On Friday October 21st our school had character day. Children (and staff) were instructed to dress up as a fictional storybook character for school. Overall, many children participated and our day was filled with TONS of fun filled activities

  • we had a parade through the entire building so all the kids could see each other costumes
  • we had three guest readers from 5th grade who read us Purplicious and Danny the dinosaur

  • We made masks to pretend we had chicken pox from Itchy Itchy Chicken Pox

  • we colored, cut, and pasted together bumblebees to go with Marissa's costume

  •  A guest reader (the Little Old Lady) came to read us The Gingerbread Man

  • We read The Bike Lesson to go with Levi's costume (which was Papa Bear)

We had more characters like Batman, the man in the Yellow Hat (from Curious George), Alice in Wonderland, Fancy Nancy, TinkerBell and other really awesome costumes. 

Recess games

At the end of second recess, Mrs. Bowman (the second 1st grade teacher) and I have taken to playing rock, paper, scissors to see which class gets to head in back to our classrooms.
The kids have really started expecting this game to be played on our parts and most days we have seen them line up quicker, quieter, and straighter knowing that if they don't we will head back into the school in a normal way without rock, paper, scissors
A few days ago, my kids were in the hallway getting drinks and bathroom break after recess and some of them were complaining that we hadn't won rock, paper, scissors and able to go into the school first. They were advising me on what to pick in the game to win.
"You should pick scissors. It cuts the paper." one said
"You should pick rock. It crushes the scissors" said another

One little boy stated that I should pick paper because it beats rocks by covering it up (which as a child always confused me personally - a piece of paper beating a mighty rock?!?!") Anyhoo, my response to him was "True, paper does beat rock. But what if Mrs. Bowman picks scissors and cuts my paper in half?"
His response? (with an utter look of shock & horror) "OH NO!"

Now being a big fan of the television show That 70s show, the game rock, paper, scissors always reminds me of Steven trying to teach Fezz how to play this particular game. Have you seen it?

It is truly hilarious!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fire Safety

October is National Fire Prevention Month and this week is Fire Safety Week and so yesterday the New Franklin Company 17 (I hope I got this title correct Sergeant Owens) came out to teach our children and remind them how to prevent fires and keep safe if we were ever to encounter a fire.
Things to remember:
  • stop, drop, and roll if your clothing ever catches on fire
  • check your smoke detectors and change the batteries once a year (even if you think the batteries are still good)
  •  only call 911 during a true emergency (common myth: calling the fire department when your cat goes up the tree. "Don't worry, the cat will come down when it gets hungry")
  • have a meeting place for your family if you were to ever have a house fire
(feel free to comment with other great fire safety tips)

Then the rain let up long enough for us to go out and explore the fire truck, engine, and equipment. The kids LOVED it :-)

    Wednesday, October 5, 2011

    New Franklin Love

    I just want to send out a huge thank you to parents, students, and staff who have been ever so caring to me today as I attempted to go back to school after the family tradegy of having our chocolate lab hit and killed by a car yesterday.

    Over the past year I have grown quite close to my New Franklin family and how much I was cared for was definitely visible today and that truly touches and warms my heart to a pile of mush :-) lol
    This especially tore at my heart strings.....

    this is from Lily Showalter. It is a picture of Bay Leigh in heaven
    Julie, your daughter has a heart of gold!

    Again, thank you all! Each day will get better with your love, support, and prayers

    Monday, October 3, 2011


    Today, we introduced Letter S (Sammy Seal). After singing his song, we looked at some more S pictures and one of them was salt......

    What do we put salt on?

    Riley: I put salt on my french fries
    Clara: on roasted turkey
    Gavin: I like french fries
    Lily: You can put salt on chicken
    Trai: You can put salt on slugs
                           hahahahaha out of the mouths of babes folks :-)