Saturday, September 3, 2011

First week of school

Oh my, just as fast as the first day of school flew by, so did the first week!
Everyone who donated items, I appreciate all of it SO much :-)
Thank you parents who took your time (and tired hand muscles hehe) to fill out all the paperwork that was sent home this week. (I know personally a personal joke in my family is when Maddy comes on the first day of school and always says "I don't have any homework today, but here is your stack Mom! lol)

I really think that our first week together was wonderful. Our kindergarten class this year has good manners, polite words, are good friends to each other, and already has a fantastic beginning grasp of our rules, procedures, routines, and classroom environment.

Just one heads up, on your weekly newsletter it says that on Friday, I will be sending home child's beginning of the year reviews (or how ever I have worded it). This form will be very similar to the one I had you, as the parent, fill out for me to get to know your child better. It will have observations on it about what I think your child may be struggling in and need to start working on and also what kinds of strengths I already see in place.

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and I will leave you with a class photo taken earlier in the week (unfortunately, two students are missing because they were absent that day, but I will get a new one in the near future)

Luke's ASL "I love you" in the front row in BEYOND cute. I wonder now if he knew what that meant or if he was going for a "rock on" approach

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