Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Our NEW Room Virtual Tour

Two days done and we are doing awesome! Since we are in a new building and we weren't able to go through with our open house before our 1st day of school, thought everyone would enjoy some pictures to see the space that we hang out in each day :-)

our cubby racks (inside they are numbered from 1-24)
On top, my collection of "stuffed friends" are great comforts during the first few days,
plus once we have teacher's helpers each day, these furry friends will be their companions

the front of our room (from left to right): word wall, SmartBoard and Apple TV, 
calendar bulletin board, alphabet chart

our back wall with computers and teacher desk
(off to the far left, out of the picture is our room's personal bathroom!)

this is a view from our door looking in

this is the view from the front corner of the room

my teaching chair (a family heirloom: bought for my Mom from my Dad when she was pregnant with me)
our easel and group gathering carpet (each child gets their own square!)

Cannot wait to see all our families on Tuesday night, Sept 9th so you can see our brand new room!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

ABCs of Me

In true kindergarten form (where we spend each day thinking of stuff that starts with each letter of the alphabet), I thought it would be a fun idea to update my Introduction to Mrs. Eckenrode that was written three years ago. Let's see how this goes :-)

my favorite restaurant. I usually order the same thing: boneless buffalo wings & 3 cheese chicken penne

I LOVE baking: my favorite thing is cupcakes

OOOH, the only way to start off every morning (unless I want to end up with a headache). I need flavored creamer to make it taste perfect & my kitchen wasn't complete until the addition of our Keurig

It is IMPOSSIBLE for me to stay in a bad mood after a long day and I am sitting on the couch with one of my dogs laying next to me! I have two: a 5 (almost 6) year old German Shepherd named Rocca and a year & a half year old chocolate lab named Olive. They are my furry babies and my family is not complete without them

Back in 2001, I moved to this area to attend Shippensburg University. I graduated in Dec '05 with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education (K-6) with a minor in Reading. In 2008, I went back to my alma mater to begin studying for my Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a Concentration in Early Childhood. After 3 years of hard work, I graduated in the spring of '11

I come from a large extended family (both of my parents have lots of siblings) that continues to be an extraordinary support system for me. My aunts & uncles are extra sets of parents to me and likewise my cousins are more siblings to have! My own parents are divorced and over the years, I have learned that this kind of event can be a blessing in disguise. From it, I have 2 sets of parents and 3 siblings that I all love very dearly. We don't do the "step" title in our family.
Inside my own family unit, I have the ENORMOUS honor of saying that my husband (of almost 9 years) and I are raising a beautiful daughter who is "sniff sniff" a senior at Shippensburg High School this year! For the past 10 years, I have had the privilege of helping my husband raise her as one of my own and once again, there is no "step" titles involved. She is my daughter <3

God is a BIG piece of my life: how I live each day, the decisions I make, and where I invest my time, money, and resources. Without God, I am nothing, and With Christ, all things are possible.

I grew up in a tiny town called Tamaqua about 45 minutes northwest of Lehigh Valley. Because of my childhood I am a farming country girl at heart with a "coal cracker" accent that is still present even though I have been living in this area for over a decade

My favorite cold beverage to drink on a hot day! Homemade, flavored, or store bought, just pour some in a tall glass over ice and hand me a straw!

While June is one of my favorite months of the year, and not just for the obvious reason that everyone thinks June is a favorite month for teachers worldwide. Summer brings a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation to my life that is hard to find during the other months/seasons of the year. It is truly a myth that teachers have nothing to do and are therefore not busy during the summer months. I relish these months to sleep in a few (ok, maybe several hehe) mornings, go on 2 annual missions trips with my church, enjoy catching up with friends over lunch, plus give my family and home some much needed TLC.

I guess you can already tell by my profession that I love kids, but I REALLY do! I have wanted to be a teacher my whole life (ever since I stepped into my own kindergarten class). I love that my position allows me to "be on the front lines" when kids first enter elementary school and I can help make their very first experience with school be a positive one!

In my classroom this year, we are going to do A LOT of that this year! The best part is all the learning I receive from my students each year.

I really don't have a favorite genre, it depends on my mood and what is currently happening in my life. My favorite thing to do is put my ipod on shuffle and listen to the craziness that ensues: where in the span of my 25 minute commute home there is a possibility to listen to Christian, country, 80s, & Disney

This school year will begin my 5th year of teaching at New Franklin Elementary. Initially, I was sent to this school because I no longer had an available space to teach my kindergarten class at Marion Elementary. Over the years, I have grown to love the New Franklin staff, students, and family more than ever and I definitely think of it as my home and hope I will be blessed enough to teach here for many years to come!

I pride myself on keeping an organized classroom, home, and life. (many of my friends and family would prolly say that organizing is my greatest strength and weakness! LOL)

I am SERIOUSLY addicted to this site (don't judge me if you Check it Out). It is the PERFECT way to be all organized (hence the 100 boards) and save everything at my fingertips to be a great Mom, Wife, Kindergarten Teacher, 31 Consultant, and Photographer

The only stupid question is the question not asked....ok, maybe that isn't the complete truth, after all, Bill Engvall wouldn't have a "Here's your Sign" song if that statement was true. However, please feel free to contact me at ANY point during the year with your concerns or questions about anything.

I'm definitely a bookworm by heart and if a good book is within my grasp.....well let's just say that laundry, dishes, cleaning, and pretty much anything else gets postponed until later

I came here over a decade ago to attend Shippensburg University, fell in love with this quaint little town, and when I met my husband, it was a no-brainer to plant my roots here and stay :-) I love the look, feel, and layout of our town, along with its ability to feel like a small cozy town with its great amount of amenities akin to a place three times its size!

By far my favorite animal :-)

I love hearing stories about the unbelievable. Times when life hands you lemons & you learn to make lemonade. (or a quote my daughter created: "Make apple juice and leave the world wondering how you ever did that!!") In all the positive ways it can be said "THAT WAS UNBELIEVABLE"

One of my favorite things to do after a stressful day/week is curl up on the couch with my family, a yummy evening snack, and watch a good flick. Some of my favorites? Wreck it Ralph, all the Harry Potters, The Notebook, and HairSpray

I like to think that if I wasn't teaching, I could love to have a job as a wedding planner. My Mom jokes that I could be like Hans (from Father of the Bride) LOL Luckily for our bank account and my husband's sanity (I would want to renew our vows EVERY year! hehe), I am still a teacher

Each day, I want to be filled to the brim with excitement. Even if a tough day lays in wait, find excitement in the little things. It is quite a contagious disease that everyone can benefit from.

A HUGE part of my life and the "other group of kids" that my heart belongs to are my youth group kids. For the past three years, I have watched God work faith inspired revelations in my heart and my kids' hearts through ordinary every day events.

If we are going on vacation, the first thing I look up is the nearest zoo to our destination. I love the ability to see so many different animals in one location that I normally would never have the chance of seeing in "real life"

I hope you have enjoyed getting to know me a little better!
I am looking forward to an AWESOME YEAR together :-)

Friday, January 31, 2014

Classroom Newsletter (Feb 3rd - Feb 14th)

Monday Feb 3rd  Day Five

Sending home weekly homework

Tuesday Feb 4th    Day One


Wednesday Feb 5th Day two  


Gym (please wear appropriate footwear)

Thursday Feb 6th Day Three


Good News Club

Friday Feb 7th Day Four

Library (return books for exchange)

Homework Due


Turn in your January Book it calendars

Monday Feb 10th Day Five


100th day of School (tentative)

Weekly homework sent home

Tuesday Feb 11th Day One


Wednesday Feb 12th Day Two  

Gym (please wear appropriate footwear)

Thursday Feb 13th Day Three


Good News Club

Friday Feb 14th Day Four

Library (return books for exchange)

Valentine’s Day Party 2:15 to 3:15

Homework due


I strongly encourage you to have your child bring in their Valentine’s Day cards ANYTIME this week. It is much easier if I am able to help your child pass out their cards when we have extra time throughout the week then everyone on Friday

On Monday, Feb 17th, school is NOW IN SESSION as a snow make up day

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

more postcard thank yous

My apologies, the post cards have been piling up on my desk and I have been out sick from school with the flu, cold, and ear infection. The kids are FREAKIN OUT that we will finally get to start going through the HUGE pile that has been growing on my desk in my absence

GIANT Thank You's go out to......

from Maine: Nathan Coldsmith and Gail Zack

from Florida: Beverly Reigel, Robilee Leedy, and Katrina Hartman Dempsey

from Kentucky: Joe

Charlotte from Tennessee

Joe Barnhart for postcards from Wisconsin, Missouri, Tennessee, Georgia

Andrea Jenkins from Arizona

Pamela Romesburg for Alaska's postcard

Meighan and John from Washington

Tammy Zimmerman sent us 4 postcards from Hawaii

Virgina from Hawaii

Joan and Tom from California

Sara Diller sent us 4 postcards from Montana

Connie sent us a postcard from Colorado

(there also was another postcard from Colorado, but it wasn't signed)

from Oregon: Anne and Donna

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Postcards are beginning to arrive

YAY! Our postcards have begun to arrive
thank you so much to the following people:

Shauna, Mark, & Jessica Binette  ARIZONA

 Lacey, Ron, Peyton, & Dakota Zeigler


Mrs. Guildford from Washington

Tommy from Nevada

Jared Rinehimes from West Virginia

Doris Wilson from Florida

Cathie Long from Virginia

Melissa Swartz from Florida

Friday, January 10, 2014

Bi-Weekly Newsletter

Monday Jan 6th  Day One


Weekly homework sent home

Sending home January Book-It calendar

Tuesday Jan 7th  


Christmas Concert Cancelled

Wednesday Jan 8th  Day Three  


Thursday Jan 9th   Day Four

Library (return books for exchange)

Good News Club

Friday Dec 10th  Day Five

Homework Due


Our two snow make up days are as follows
Friday, March 14th
Thursday, June 5th

Monday Jan 13th   Day One


Weekly homework sent home

Tuesday Jan 14th Day Two

Gym (please wear appropriate footwear)

Happy Birthday Carter!

Wednesday Jan 15th Day Three  

2 hour early dismissal

Thursday Jan 16th   Day Four

Library (return books for exchange)

Good News Club

Friday Jan 17th Day Five

Homework due


Next Monday, Jan 20th, there is no school to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day


This whole week at school we have had major numbers of kids who are absent. As usual, we periodically take Lysol wipes to the tables and chairs to "clean up" and get rid of some of the germs. After a week we had, today was that kind of day. We set to wiping down our own chairs, tables, easel markers, doorknobs, etc... This is the conversation from two of my girls I overhear as I walked around the room

"Wiping down all these chairs makes me feel just like Cinderella.......except Mrs. Eckenrode is not a mean stepmother."

"Yanno, not all stepmothers are mean. Mine is actually quite nice!"

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

50 postcards

Dear Friends of New Franklin Elementary Kindergarten:
                I am writing to tell you all about an exciting new social studies/geography project that our class is beginning and would love for you to be a part of. Our end goal is to receive postcards from all 50 states in the U.S.
                First, we would like to start off by giving you a little background information about us and our classroom. We are part of New Franklin Elementary, currently a small 7 classroom elementary school in the Chambersburg Area School District located just 14 miles north of the Maryland border in South Central Pennsylvania. Our class has 24 students (14 girls and 10 boys) plus our teacher, Mrs. Tabitha Eckenrode. Throughout the day, we have lessons in reading, math, writing, social studies, science, plus our 4 itinerant classes: art, music, library, and physical education.
                In our social studies unit this marking period, we are studying geography and we thought it would be a really fun idea to try and receive a postcard from all 50 states in the country by the end of the year (June 2014). This is where we need your help. Please help us reach our goal by writing us a postcard or letter and sending it to
New Franklin Kindergarten
c/o Mrs. Tabitha Eckenrode
3485 Wayne Rd
Chambersburg, PA 17202
In your postcard/letter please remember to keep it appropriate for our age level, but don’t be afraid to teach us new vocabulary that will help us better understand your state and region of the country that you live in. Some ideas to get you started could be telling us about:
Yourself and your family
Where you live in that state
What the weather is like where you live
What people in your area like to do for fun
What kind of food you like to eat/does it have a different name than what we are used to calling it (i.e. soda = pop)
                We hope that you would be interested in participating in our geography project to help us learn about the 50 states and how they differ from each region of the country. We want to send you our heartfelt thanks and appreciation in advance for we guarantee that we will thoroughly enjoy reading and keeping everyone’s letters. Also, please feel free to pass this letter along to anyone from other states who you think would also be interesting in participating in our project to further assist us in reaching our goal.
                If you have any comments, concerns, or questions, you can feel free to email Mrs. Eckenrode at tabitha.eckenrode@casdonline.org. You can also check out the progress of our project plus learn more about our classroom by reading our blog at http://dayinkindergarten.blogspot.com

Mrs. Tabitha Eckenrode & New Franklin Kindergarten Class